2024-2025 session of the Getty Scholars Program

2024-2025 session of the Getty Scholars Program

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About Getty Program

The Getty Scholars Program is a highly esteemed residential fellowship program offered by the J. Paul Getty Trust.

2024-2025 session of the Getty Scholars Program

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The Getty Trust is an international cultural and philanthropic organization that is dedicated to promoting the understanding, conservation, and appreciation of art and cultural heritage.

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2024-2025 session of the Getty Scholars Program

The Getty Scholars Program is specifically designed for established scholars, researchers, and professionals in the fields of art history, archaeology, conservation, and related disciplines.

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The program provides an opportunity for scholars to pursue their research and engage in intellectual exchange with other scholars in a collaborative and supportive environment.

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The Getty Scholars Program is specifically designed for established scholars, researchers, and professionals in the fields of art history, archaeology, conservation, and related disciplines.


The program provides an opportunity for scholars to pursue their research and engage in intellectual exchange with other scholars in a collaborative and supportive environment.

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2024-2025 session of the Getty Scholars Program

The applications for the Getty Scholars Program for the 2024-2025 period have recently been made available. This esteemed program aims to provide support to researchers who are dedicated to advancing the realms of arts and humanities.

By fostering cutting-edge scholarship, the program contributes to the overall comprehension and preservation of our diverse cultural heritage.

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During their residency, scholars are granted a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in one of the most renowned art history collections in the world.

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This experience not only allows for extensive study and research but also facilitates active participation within an international community that shares a passion for intellectual exploration and the exchange of ideas.

Scholars may choose to reside at either the Getty Center or the Getty Villa, both of which offer exceptional resources and environments for scholarly pursuits.

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Program Structure

A mix of senior scholars and junior fellows are selected for the Scholars Program cohort. The cohort’s research projects are focused on an annual theme. The three main grant categories are:

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  • Scholar Grants for established researchers and professionals who have held PhDs for at least 5 years and/or possess strong records of publication and professional activity, at the Getty Center or Getty Villa.


  • Postdoctoral Fellowships for recently granted PhDs at the Getty Center or Getty Villa.


  • Pre-doctoral Fellowships for PhD candidates at the Getty Center.


Annual Theme: Extinction

The arts possess the ability to address the issue of cultural loss by visually representing, capturing, and interpreting elements of transience, impermanence, and irretrievability.

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Given the current state of severe environmental degradation and the profound losses caused by widespread epidemics, the Getty Scholars Program is now accepting applications that delve into the crucial subject of extinction and its impact on the visual arts and cultural heritage.

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Scholars are encouraged to contemplate how representational practices are utilized to confront the precarious survival of plants, animals, and humans, as well as the constant threat of species-level extinction and the depletion of resources. Furthermore, they should consider the most extreme end of the spectrum—the brutality of mass atrocities.

On a different level, the temporal dimensions of certain artistic practices lie in atrophy, decay, and obsolescence.

This is particularly evident as creative approaches, technologies, media, formats, and ideals become outdated or surpassed by new developments.

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The irrevocable nature of disappearance can also hold the potential for hope, indicating possibilities for rebirth, innovation, or recovery.

This year’s theme welcomes research topics that explore not only what is lost but also the urgent desire for preservation and permanence.

Moreover, beyond loss, destruction, or mortality, the topic seeks to examine the creative and productive opportunities that extinction might unexpectedly enable.


Scholar Grant recipients at the Getty Center may be in residence from three to nine months and receive varying stipends as detailed below:

  • Three-month residency: September–December/January–March; $21,500 stipend.
  • Six-month residency: September–March/January–June; $43,000 stipend.
  • Nine-month residency: September–June; $65,000 stipend.

Eligibility                                             UN World Food Programme (WFP) Innovation Challenge 2023

  • Scholar Grant applicants should have received a PhD before September 1, 2020.
  • Applicants from associated fields who do not hold a PhD but have commensurate professional experience will also be considered.
  • Applicants who received their degree after September 1, 2020 should apply for a Postdoctoral Fellowship.

Applications open on July 1, 2023 and close on October 2, 2023. Applicants need to complete and submit the online Getty Scholar Grant application form by the deadline, which requires the following attachments:

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  • Project Proposal (not to exceed five pages, typed and double-spaced): Must include a description of the applicant’s proposed plan of study. The description should indicate how the project addresses the annual theme and how it would benefit from the resources at the Getty, including its library and collections.
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Optional Writing Sample

Click here to apply

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