One Year Housemanship Survival Guide

One Year Housemanship Survival Guide

The housemanship program is an uninterrupted program done under the supervision of unit consultants. Every doctor rotates through four major departments.

Internal Medicine



Obstetrics and Gynecology

You are expected to spend a minimum of three months in each department and with a one-week leave, this amounts to thirteen weeks (13 weeks) in total.

Best Centers for House Job 2024





For Step-by-Step Guide on Getting a Housemanship placement in 2024 click here

The one-year period of additional medical training, commonly known as housemanship, is a pivotal phase in the career of a newly graduated doctor in Nigeria.

This phase is a mix of excitement, overwhelming experiences, and invaluable learning opportunities. However, it’s also a time when young doctors face significant challenges within an often under-resourced healthcare system.

In this article, we’ll explore some essential tips and guidelines to help house officers navigate through the obstacles and make the most of their housemanship year.

  1. Communication is Key

One of the first lessons to learn during your housemanship is that it’s okay not to know everything. Seeking guidance and counsel from your senior colleagues is crucial.

Don’t hesitate to communicate your difficulties or uncertainties. Remember, this is a learning period, and you’re expected to grow both in knowledge and skill. Collaborating with your seniors can help you bridge the gap between theory and practice.

  1. Prioritize Your Safety

Your safety should always come first. Always wear appropriate protective gear, including gloves, face masks, and goggles, when attending to patients. Ensure that these items are readily available and in good condition. Protecting yourself from potential infections or hazards is paramount. Remember that you can only care for other if you are healthy.

3. Know Your Job Description

While your commitment to your profession is commendable, it’s essential to work within the confines of your job description. You are a doctor, not an electrician or a potter.

Hospitals have staff designated for various functions. If they are unavailable, it’s not your duty to carry out their tasks. Staying focused on your responsibilities helps maintain efficient healthcare delivery.

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  1. Maintain Professionalism

When dealing with challenging patients or their relatives, it’s crucial to remain professional. If a situation seems to escalate or becomes aggressive, excuse yourself immediately.

Prevention is always better than trying to resolve conflicts. Always be alert to changes in the tone or expression of the individuals receiving your services.

  1. Take Care of Yourself

Your physical and mental well-being is of utmost importance. Learn to rest well and eat properly. While your senior colleagues may occasionally take care of you, don’t rely on this.

Ensure you eat at the appropriate times and get adequate rest. A healthy doctor is a more effective doctor.

  1. Efficient Handovers

Proper handover procedures are essential for continuity in patient management. Keep a small jotter or use electronic tools to aid in recording important patient information.

This will save you the struggle of memorizing or repeatedly checking patient folders. Smooth handovers contribute to better patient care.

  1. Be Prepared

Having an emergency stash of essential medical items such as cannulas, blood sample bottles, and syringes can be a lifesaver. You never know when you might run out, and soliciting extra supplies from discharged patients can be a practical approach.

 Prioritize Your Health

If you become ill, don’t hesitate to take a sick leave. Don’t assume that your colleagues or seniors will understand your condition. Your health should be your top priority, and taking time off to recover is a responsible choice.

 9.Needle Safety

Handle needles with extreme care. The risks associated with needle pricks, including the transmission of HIV and hepatitis, are substantial.

Always exercise caution when handling sharp objects, and ensure proper disposal after use. If you do experience a needle prick while attending to a patient, consider getting both yourself and the patient tested for safety.

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  1. Build Relationships

Finally, don’t forget to have fun and build strong relationships with your fellow house officers. You’ll be spending the next year or so with these remarkable individuals, and they can be a source of support and camaraderie. Building a network of peers can also make your professional journey more enjoyable.

Centers for Dental Housemanship in Nigeria


Navigating the housemanship year can be demanding, but it is also an opportunity for tremendous personal and professional growth.

By following these guidelines and maintaining a focus on safety, professionalism, and self-care, you can make the most of your housemanship year. Remember to learn, live, and love the experience while staying safe and dedicated to the vital work of healthcare. Good luck!

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