How To Confirm That You Have Been Accepted At A Center Under The Centralized Posting

Confirm That You Have Been Accepted At A Center

Following the commencement of the centralized posting in the year 2021, Fresh Medical and Dental Graduates, both Local and foreign trained who have successfully got a provisional license to do their mandatory one year housemanship in Nigeria can now choose any available center of their choice from the housemanship portal.  Here is how to confirm That You Have Been Accepted At A Center.

Best Centers for House Job 2024

After being posted to a center, you are expected to arrive at that center for documentation within two weeks of your being posted there, so as to resume the one-year housemanship program.

The center in which you have been posted to are expected by MDCN to accept you as an House Officer in their center and clear you for salary payment from their own end of the portal. This would enable the doctor to receive his/her salary (#244,500) by month end.

Note: The Hospitals do not have the power to reject your posting. They can only accept it or leave it unattended to.

One week after your full documentation and posting to a unit, you should have been accepted in that center.

How To Secure House Job In 2024

How to Confirm your Acceptance and Date of acceptance:

1.Use a laptop(Do not use your smartphone) browser( Chrome, Firefox, or Safari) to login at

2. Use the side Menu and navigate to “Manage Profile

 Confirm That You Have Been Accepted At A Center

3. Look at Status as shown and underlined in the image below.

 Confirm That You Have Been Accepted At A Center

If you See: Under_Training (You have been accepted)

If you See: Awaiting_Acceptance (You have not been accepted)

If you see: Graduated (You are done with house job)

 Confirm That You Have Been Accepted At A Center

How to Apply for Full Registration after House Job for MB:BS AND BDS

4. If you have not been accepted after one week of being in a unit, Please reach out to the Admin Office that you have not been accepted immediately.

Review of Centers for Dental Housemanship in Nigeria

For general guidance about housemanship posting in Nigeria , Contact me via Whatsapp








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