Quit From Low Self-Esteem

Quit From Low Self-Esteem

The issue of low self-esteem can be a chronic and debilitating problem, as it apparently affects all aspects of one’s life, and can be a stumbling block to healthy living. Quit from Low self-Esteem

This problem is a learned one, not an inherent, or genetically acquired characteristic, so it can also be unlearned.

The good news is that no matter how severe it is, there is remedy. However, when left unaddressed, it can lead to a host of health issues like; depression, weight problems and overeating, neuroticism, social withdrawal, obsessive compulsive disorders, and even suicide.

Here are some ways to curb this issue, before it eats you up!

Talk to someone

Quit From Low Self-Esteem

A problem shared is a problem…. Yeah, you got it. Choosing whom we share personal and delicate problems with, can be quite tricky and difficult sometimes.

The rule is simple however, talk to only those that can help you. They can be friends, family, mental health professionals, and partner, just seek for help.

Accept some flaws and work on the modifiable ones

There is definitely room for improvement on a lot of things about ourselves, and this, we’ll take gradually and one after the other.

Consistency wins the race, not speed. Making an honest list of our strengths and weaknesses, will give us a view of what to work on and our greatest attributes. Struggling with weight issues?

Eat right and hit the gym. Battling with drug addiction? Seek professional help.

Make more friends, start a conversation, update your brain with current information, take risks, ask questions, talk to the opposite sex more, do just about anything than doing nothing.

You can make it a daily or weekly target to break down a particular weakness/ barrier.

Take only constructive criticisms and do not judge yourself harshly

What is the need to criticize, when you can’t help the situation, or haven’t been through the same situation in the past?

It helps no one! Stay away from people who talk down on you, shun pessimism especially at this stage, and be kind to yourself-you deserve your kindness more than anyone else. Accept your mistakes learn from them and move on.

Enjoy the present

The past is never coming back, the future must come, but the present is here, now. When you waste the present it turns to the past that is never coming back, and only leaves telltale sad memories.

Don’t just plan for the future, plan for the present too. Schedule that date, go for that overdue hiking, embark on that adventurous travel, the adrenaline packed skiing, the very first boat cruise, and that boring party you were about to ghost.

Overcome that inertia that is holding you back. Be that person you’ll admire watching on the T.V.

 Don’t date when you are still working on yourself

This might sound silly but, why will you add more luggage to your already saddled emotions. You can’t love someone if you haven’t loved yourself properly.

Although there is an illusion that relationships lighten the emotional burden, but have you thought of the damage a breakup will do.

It will be far more exaggerated in a person battling with low self-esteem. Just keep working on yourself, when the timing is right, the right one will come.

Acquire new skills

What do you spend your spare time doing, living in your head? Common, you can do better than that.

You can learn a trade or skill with those time begging to be used, and stand a chance to earn better-which is a win-win situation.

Improving your skills, adding more skills, and having a healthy wallet, is the magical combination for a self-confidence boost.

Stop comparing

You can waste your time trying to be someone else, but the truth is that you can’t be anyone but yourself.

Take it or leave it, comparison does more harm than good. We are all unique in our own ways, that uniqueness should be our strength, not a weakness.

Move at your own pace, just be consistent and goal driven, very soon the naysayers will turn to fans.

Change your environment

Quit From Low Self-Esteem

If need be, a change of environment should be considered. It gives a fresh atmosphere to start all over again, this time with more experience.

Imagine living in the same neighborhood or city all your life, surrounded by the same situations and people that put you in this condition in the first place.

You either leave them behind or get stuck with them forever.

In all you do, always give your best, because you have a conscience to satisfy.

Drug for every woman

Quit from Imposter Syndrome too





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