UbuntuNet Alliance Women Hackathon 2023

Women Hackathon 2023

About US:

We are an association comprised of National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) in Eastern and Southern Africa. Our collective mission is to facilitate the region’s knowledge communities’ access to both local and global research and educational resources.

Moreover, we actively promote and support research collaboration to drive the digital transformation of higher education and research sectors.

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Our objectives align directly with Africa Agenda 2063, specifically Aspiration 1, which aims to achieve a prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development.

Additionally, we are committed to Aspiration 6, which envisions an Africa driven by its people, with a focus on leveraging the potential of African women, youth, and caring for children.

We firmly believe that research and innovation, fostered through strengthened regional collaboration, hold the key to driving inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development in the region.

The actions taken by UA (our organization) and our member NRENs play a crucial role in supporting knowledge communities and contribute significantly to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 4, which focuses on ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all.

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Additionally, we are dedicated to advancing SDG 9, which aims to promote industry, innovation, and infrastructure, as well as SDG 5, which emphasizes gender equality, and SDG 8, centered around promoting decent work and economic growth.

UbuntuNet Alliance Women Hackathon 2023

Applications are now open for the UbuntuNet Alliance Women Hackathon 2023, an exciting initiative aimed at promoting gender balance in the tech industry and addressing the underrepresentation of women in software development.

Organized by the UbuntuNet Alliance, this hackathon aims to empower 20 passionate women developers from the UbuntuNet Alliance region in East and Southern Africa.

The hackathon will run parallel to the UbuntuNet-Connect 2023 Conference, creating a platform for innovation and collaboration.

Mission of UbuntuNet Alliance:

The UbuntuNet Alliance’s mission is to foster a thriving and sustainable community of National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) and partners in Eastern and Southern Africa. The organization strives to facilitate and strengthen collaboration and innovation among Research and Education Communities, recognizing the crucial role of research and education in driving societal progress.

Theme & Key Focus Areas:

The Women Hackathon will revolve around the following key focus areas:

1. Innovations for 21st Century Education: With the growing reliance on technology for education, there is a pressing need to enhance learning experiences both within and outside of schools, particularly in the post-pandemic era. Awareness and utilization of educational technologies will be crucial in this context.

2. Innovations for Improving Uptake of Research and Its Outputs: The hackathon seeks innovations that help stakeholders access and make use of research outputs to improve policies and practices. This involves disseminating research findings, building capacity to understand research outputs, increasing social influence, providing incentives, and creating enabling environments.

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3. Innovations for Improved Collaboration: The hackathon will focus on innovations that facilitate collaboration among multiple stakeholders in research projects. This includes technologies that assess the diversity of teams, mobilize teams effectively, and evaluate the performance and contributions of individuals and teams for impactful research outcomes.


To ensure gender representation and diversity, the hackathon is exclusively open to female participants. Applicants must be students or graduates within five years of completing their studies. Additionally, only residents of UbuntuNet Alliance member countries ( Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Mozambique and South Africa)  are eligible to apply.

Application Process:

Interested participants should form teams of four members and collectively submit a concept note not exceeding two pages (Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12, Single Spacing), excluding the cover page. The concept note should include the following elements:

– Introduction
– Background (or Relevance)
– Proposed Objectives (leading to the development of an ICT solution)
– Methodology (based on the software development lifecycle and incorporating necessary technologies)
– Programming Skills of Team Members
– Previous Experience and Links to Developed Work

The cover page should include the topic and the team member details (names, email addresses, and phone numbers). All concept notes must be submitted online before the deadline: 10 August 2023.

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Join us in this fantastic opportunity to empower women in tech and drive innovation for a brighter future! Apply now and be a part of the UbuntuNet Alliance Women Hackathon 2023.
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